The Language, Learning, and Multisensory Brain (LLAMB) lab is co-directed by Drs. David J. Lewkowicz and Richard Aslin. The lab investigates the cognitive and neural bases of language learning and development using behavioral (eye-tracking) and neuroimaging (fMRI, EEG and fNIRS) techniques in typically developing infants, children, and adults. The lab’s research program is currently supported by two NIH grants, two NSF grants, and a grant from the Gates Foundation.
The Language, Learning, and Multisensory Brain (LLAMB) lab is co-directed by Drs. David J. Lewkowicz and Richard Aslin. The lab investigates the cognitive and neural bases of language learning and development using behavioral (eye-tracking) and neuroimaging (fMRI, EEG and fNIRS) techniques in typically developing infants, children, and adults. The lab’s research program is currently supported by two NIH grants, two NSF grants, and a grant from the Gates Foundation.